Solutions Limpides wishes to contribute in protecting the environment by providing economical, healthy and ecological alternatives to conventional water treatments regarding domestic applications.
Naturally curious, we pursued our research till we found various products for treating water ecologically, economically and efficiently.
Proud of these discoveries, Solutions Limpides was founded to share these discoveries and our know-how with people like you, with the objective of solving water problems in an ecologically and economically responsible way.
From one satisfied customer to another, the company’s reputation rapidly established itself in Quebec and in Eastern Canada. We are established in Quebec and work in all of Eastern Canada including Central and Eastern Ontario. We carry out our own installations, mainly in Quebec, and through plumbers and water-treatment experts in remote regions and outside Quebec. We have done installations a little everywhere in Quebec, in Ontario and in New-Brunswick. Our customers are owners of private homes.
With the constant aim of being and remaining a company founded on the thought of sustainable development, meaning that we respect people’s health and their environment, we accomplish all of our prospecting with small cars, light and economical. Deliveries and installations are done with the same vehicles using an exclusive trailer only the one time. This way, we save an enormous amount of gasoline by avoiding all displacements with heavily-loaded vehicles. The result is that for over 70% of our service trips to our customers, we contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases.